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Transfer & Assignment Cost Management System

All the insights you need on expenses and taxes in order to predict transfer and assignment costs and make better global mobility decisions.

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About Our Mobility Transfer & Assignment Cost Management Functionality

The first step of a successful global mobility transfer or assignment is estimating costs. However, anticipating costs and tax obligation risks and forecasting the ROI of transfers or assignments can be a challenge—unless you have the right solution.

three people working with a laptop and calculators

Ineo’s multi-language cost estimators and global tax expertise are the keys to enhanced decision-making, accurate ROI forecasting, and reduced tax burden for both employers and assignees/transferees. our software enables you to produce policy-driven cost estimates with accurate international tax calculations within minutes.

The platform enables users to estimate costs from any country and between any countries that fall under our 100+ countries and jurisdictions list. Our reports cover expenses and taxes for short-term, long-term, or permanent moves, and local plus scenarios.

With Ineo, the most current transfer and assignment-related cost data is always at your fingertips, resulting in enhanced cost management, improved budgeting, and minimized unexpected charges.

Cost Estimates Produced Within Minutes

There’s no need to spend hours looking up each data point to come up with cost estimates for transfers or assignments. Ineo’s software empowers you to create cost estimates in only a few minutes. Users can build assumption data into the cost estimate policy, ensuring that these assumptions are called in automatically when generating the cost estimate calculation. You can also leverage the API between Ineo’s platform and AIRINC to look up standard data sets automatically.

Accurate Tax Calculations for 100+ Countries, States, Cantons, Provinces, and Local Taxing Jurisdictions

Perform accurate tax calculations with the click of a button rather than spending more time and money to get the same results from a third-party tax provider. Ineo’s platform allows users to process tax calculations efficiently and cost-effectively based on the proper brackets and rates for each location, typical allowances, deductions, and credits, and special circumstances for certain jurisdictions.

Simple & Efficient Cost Estimation for U.S. & Canadian Mobility Programs

With the help of a tool that incorporates all potential policy provisions that are currently associated with U.S. and Canadian mobility programs, mobility cost estimation has never been easier. Ineo’s U.S. Domestic and Canadian Cost Estimate Tool provides policy-driven calculations for any state combination within the U.S. and intra-Canada based on our meticulously-researched and regularly-updated database.

Detailed Cost Estimates for Global Assignments & Transfers

Experience the global efficiency of a comprehensive, multi-national and multi-currency functionality. Ineo’s International Assignment Cost Estimate tool can provide accurate cost estimates for global assignments or one-way moves in any country combination within the 100+ counties and jurisdictions list. Likewise, you can take advantage of any subscription data that you are already using with a data provider such Mercer, ECA or AIRINC.

Accurate Lumpsum Calculations to Empower Mobile Employees

Reduce the administrative burden of processing reimbursements and empower your mobility program with the speed, independence, and freedom you desire to fund mobility-related personal needs. Ineo’s LumpSum Calculator is a cost-effective, intuitive, and hassle-free tool that combines millions of current statistical records with web-based research and standard data sources to provide mobile employees with policy-compliant cash allowances or budgets—effectively enhancing the mobility experience.

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Request A Demo

Whether you are new to the world of global mobility or you’ve been in the business for a while, Ineo is here to assist you.

The best way to learn how Ineo’s transfer and assignment cost management system can help your company revolutionize your global mobility program and support your business needs is to see it in a demo. Fill out the form below to get started today.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are accurate cost estimates essential?

There are many reasons why accurate cost estimates are important for mobility transfer and assignment cost management:

  • To determine the estimated cost of an international or domestic assignment or a permanent relocation – especially the significant costs which may be overlooked or difficult to determine
  • To enhance the communication of such results to key stakeholders involved with the oversight of such a relocation
  • To establish a budget for the assignment/relocation based on expense types
  • To estimate tax costs to accrue on the company’s books
  • To identify possible areas of cost-cutting opportunities
  • To ease the progression to next steps in the assignment/relocation process
What are the different costs associated with global mobility?

these are the typical costs associated with an international assignment or permanent move: 

  • Base Compensation: Base Salary, Incentives/Bonuses, Benefit Contributions – Short Term and (where applicable) Long Term, and Pension Contributions
  • Initial Relocation Costs: Visa / Immigration Fees, Language Training, Cultural Training, Pre-Move House Hunting Trip(s), Loss on Sale of Auto(s), where applicable, Sale of Home Expenses, where applicable, Lease Breakage Fees, where applicable, Shipment of Household Goods (Surface – by sea and /or road, By Air), Final Move Costs (Airfare, Excess Baggage, Hotels, Meals, Car Rentals), Temporary Housing (Lodging, Meals & Incidentals, Car Rentals)
  • Ongoing Allowances & Fees: Cost of Living Allowance, Host Housing Costs Less Housing Norm or, Housing Allowance, Transportation Allowance; Per Diems (if Short Term), Children’s Tuition Fees, Annual Home Leave(s), Tax Preparation/Consulting Fees
  • Repatriation Costs: Shipment of Household Goods (Surface – by sea and/or road – and Air), Final Move Costs (Airfare, Excess Baggage, Hotels, Meals, Car Rentals), Temporary Housing (Lodging, Meals, Car Rentals)
  • Tax Expenses:
    • HOME Country – federal/national, state/provincial, cantonal and local where applicable, social security (both employee and employer portions)
    • HOST Country – federal/national, state/provincial, cantonal and local where applicable, social security (both employee and employer portions) where applicable 
    • Hypothetical Tax – federal/national, state/provincial, cantonal and local where applicable, social security (both employee and employer portions)

Total Costs should be accumulated and then Normal Home Costs subtracted to determine the Incremental Assignment Costs.

How can technology support the cost estimation process?

One key benefit of the right cost management software includes time savings for the preparer. For example: a) when cost estimate policies can be created and then cloned, then modified as necessary to address alternate policy scenarios, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel for each new policy scenario, or b) where calculation assumptions can be automated, they preclude the need for individual assumption look-up.

Another primary benefit of leveraging technology to create cost estimates across multiple clients (in other words, globally) and can even be changed, specifically where the technology is underpinned by robust tax data. Taxes are often a considerable (and under-accounted for) component of overall assignment cost. The closer these can be estimated and budgeted for, the more valuable the calculation is to an organization.

How are exchange rates utilized in the cost estimate process?

The Ineo Platform is very flexible when it comes to exchange rates for cost estimate purposes. For example, exchange rate data from third-party service providers or an internal source such as a company’s Treasury department can be imported and utilized in the system. Likewise, exchange rates can be used within a single client or company, across multiple clients (or “globally”), and can even be changed at an individual level.

Note that exchange rate usage is flexible among the various global compensation modules outside of cost estimates as well. Additionally, Ineo can generate the data in one report in multiple (up to 3) currencies for comparative purposes. Likewise, Ineo can generate up to 10 separate currency reports for the same cost estimate.