5 Conferences Global Mobility Managers Need to Have on Their Agenda for 2022

The global mobility community is reconvening with some of its best and brightest conferences and gatherings taking place in 2022. With both in-person and virtual offerings, there are plenty of opportunities to participate and make sure you’re keeping your finger on the pulse of what’s happening and what’s to come in the global mobility industry in the year ahead.
To give you some guidance on which events to RSVP to, we put together our top global mobility conferences that mobility managers and HR pros should make room for on their calendar.
The i4cp Conference: Next Practices Now
March 14-17, 2022 | Scottsdale, Arizona
i4cp bills this conference as the best for senior leaders in HR. The in-person conference is back in 2022 and will take place in Scottsdale, Arizona. Topics focus on the “next normal” to help HR leaders shift their perspectives with insights they can apply as their organization transforms from a traditional setting to a remote, global format. The event features collaborative time for HR leaders to interact with their peers and discuss best next practices.
WorldatWork Annual Conference & Exhibition
May 23-25, 2022 | Atlanta, Georgia
The conference from WorldatWork is designed for HR professionals at all levels who facilitate their team’s rewards programs and services, including benefits and compensation for sales and executive employees. Session topics for the 2022 conference include compensation, benefits and well-being, pay and workplace equity, analytics, and development and recognition
SHRM22 Annual Conference & Expo
June 12-15, 2022 | New Orleans, Louisiana
A leader in the HR industry, the Society for Human Resource Management is hosting its annual conference in New Orleans for professionals to innovate in the HR field and connect with peers through the vast SHRM network. The 2022 conference will feature sessions in a variety of unique content tracks, including DE&I, talent acquisition and retention, workplace culture, and mental health.
Additionally, attendees to the conference can receive over 20 professional development credits toward their SHRM recertification, more than one-third of the total you need to maintain your credentials.
Global Workforce Symposium 2022
October 26-28, 2022 | Las Vegas, Nevada
Worldwide ERC’s “largest event of the industry” returns for its annual symposium in October 2022. Registration for the global mobility conference opens sometime next year, so the program remains to be announced, but past conferences have featured sessions on domestic and international moves, immigration policies, tax issues, technology trends, real estate, and topics related to HR, talent, and more. Mark your calendars and sign up for alerts to be the first to know when program details drop.
Multiple dates, online
Grab your all-access pass to experience Human Capital Institute’s (HCI) series of virtual HR conferences throughout 2022. With 12 conferences to choose from, each one is designed to strengthen your role as an HR manager, honing people management skills through thoughtful programming. Learn from HR pros about developing incentive plans, adapting to change, relationship building and more.
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